What's important

My dearest Joey,

This week has been a rough one. Definitely not our best week. You have 4 teeth cutting through and the pain from that can cause your attitude to change dramatically in 2.2 seconds. You are now 2 years old and you have strong opinions and you're trying to figure out how the world works and your role in it. I get it. I really do, but I am exhausted. You've wiped me out this week love. Tonight as I was tucking you in for bed, you looked at me and said, "hold my hand Mommy." That's exactly what I did. I sat beside your bed and I held your little hand in mine. All it took was that little moment to put everything back in perspective for me. This is all a phase. One day I will want this phase back. One day I will want to hold your hand and it will not be as easy as it was tonight for me to do so and provide comfort and security for you. I do want you to remember that I will always be there to hold your hand through thick and thin, the good and the bad, when you feel scared or lonely or even for no reason at all.

with all the love in the world,
your Mommy

We all have our own battles from week to week and sometimes it may feel like there is no end. I'm not saying suck it up and pretend like everything is glitter and rainbows, but remind yourself that this is just a phase. A phase that one day you will look back on and wish to live in that moment again.

Todays crumbs brought to you by whoever cleaned their car seat out in the Carter's parking lot. Don't worry, I got to her before she ate those puffs.


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